Here are all my Student Evaluations from UNCG and here are some faculty evaluations.
Tulane University
Fall 2023 Calculus I
Fall 2025 Calculus I
University of North Carolina Greensboro
Fall 2022: Calculus A - Lecture, Math Help Center tutoring & tutor training
Spring 2022: Algebra with Business Application - Lecture, Math Help Center tutoring
Fall 2021: Calculus A - Lecture, TA for Differential Equations and Functional Analysis
Spring 2021: Calculus with Business Applications - 2 online sections
Fall 2020: Pre-calculus - 2 online sections
Summer 2020: Contemporary Mathematics - 1 online section
Spring 2019: College Algebra - 2 lab/lecture hybrid sections, Math Help Center tutoring
Fall 2019: College Algebra - 2 lab/lecture hybrid sections, 1 lecture section
Spring 2019: College Algebra - 2 lecture sections
Fall 2019: Tutoring in the Math Help Center for all lower level classes and undergraduate Linear Algebra and Abstract Algebra.
Teaching Calculus A - Fall 2022
After receiving Graduate Teaching award with my advisor, Dr. Dan Yasaki
After receiving Graduate Teaching award with Dr. Shiavji
University of Minnesota Duluth
Tutoring in the Math Learning Lab
TA for Pre-calculus, Business Calculus, and, Calculus 1.
Dr. Joe Gallian (Left), Dr. Zhuangyi Liu (Right) and, graduate student award winners of the Mathematics & Statistics department scholarship and award banquet.
In the middle of Lake Superior, collecting data with calculus I students
Resources for Students
Number Theory videos by me - Only one for now. More coming in future.